Friday, 19 June 2020

Prepation and Opportunity

By Michael O' Adetu

1. Zero Preparation + Zero Opportunity = Chaos/Confusion
2. Zero Preparation + Opportunity = Pressure/Dissappointment
3. Preparation + Zero Opportunity = Frustration/hopelessness
4. Preparation + Opportunity = Motivation/Hope/Recognition/confidence

The situations above are the realities of so many people out there. When you take a closer and deeper look at these situations vis a vis your own life, you will immediately find some truth popping up in your brain.

I once facilitated a 1hour career development seminar during a weekend retreat in 2015 where I used the above situations to explain how choices and life events contribute to career development.

During the short break, I joined two other participants in a brief chat as we all sip our hot coffee. One of the participants then said to me ‘Michael, what number are you in the situations you explained on the slide?’.

Immediately my life flashed before me as I answered
‘I have experienced each of the stages and I will not be surprised if I find myself going through them again’.

You might not agree with my submission but here is what I want you to know

  • Life is never a smooth journey (full of ups and downs) and in fact, the inconsistency with life is what makes it interesting.
  • Your goal should be that you win your own war- it is ok to win some battles and lose some
  • Focus on those things that will encourage you to be hopeful. You will need hope when life hit at you

Here is the MAJOR take away for you, BE PREPARED!

It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and it does not show up than the opportunity to show up and catch you unprepared! Now is the time to acquire that skill and do all that is expected of you.

Do your part and be hopeful that one day, the opportunity you desire will show up.

Do you agree?

Tuesday, 2 June 2020


By Michael O’ Adetu

For me, this is pure prejudice fueled by hatred. It has become clear considering how recent events are beginning to unfold that injustice done to anyone anywhere is injustice towards humanity. The outcry and anarchy recently experienced in the US should not really come as a surprise to anyone. Although I am personally not in support of fighting injustice with violence. However when injustice persists longer than expected, patience and morals get thrown out of the window and you will leave the oppressed with only one choice- Fight….. and when the fight happens, it is usually dirty. What we have seen manifested is not just about the sad and unfortunate death of George Floyd; rather it is a manifestation of years of brutality, frustration, and unannounced seclusion. There is no point in educating anyone about black history- the information is everywhere.

The death of George Floyd is particularly unique in that the pain was not just felt by black Americans; the video clip from his death was and still absolutely traumatic for any human with a conscience. The response and outcry are not just coming from the black Americans- humans of all tribes for once are now standing up in unity to demand justice. The vagaries of this kind of event are not going to go away anytime soon. We have successfully ignited and created a culture I call ‘transfer-revolution’ where a protest against injustice in one nation will instigate solidarity response from another nation. One big challenge with this kind of protest considering all the recent activities is that ‘violence can easily become a new norm’- This is chaos and time bomb in view.

The leadership approach adopted by the US government will somehow reinforce this new norm. The use of military force against protesters to establish orderliness will send an unfriendly message and trigger a mindset of counter-response whenever events such as this happen. Moreover, it important to note that the death of George Floyd happen in a time where people have been indoors for weeks battling the deadly coronavirus. Many are already depressed, bored, and at the point of breaking down. We have already seen and dealing with the overwhelming impact of the pandemic; the spark that ignites the explosion was the unjust death of a black American. This happened at the wrong time which led to an outburst of emotions that had now trigger ‘transfer-revolution’. In a situation such as this, communication is highly important to have things under control. Regardless of the action, the US government decide to take now, the new norm is gaining acceptance even from outside of the US soil. So what could have been done differently?

1. Address the Nation

Immediately addressing the country would have prevented all that has been happening. Situational leadership demands that you understand timing and what to say and do in all situations. Let the nation understand and see that you are touched by what has happened and give assurance that justice will be served.

2. Conduct A Transparent Medical Investigation

In as much that video evidence showed what led to the death of George Floyd, a much more detailed medical investigation should be conducted. For justice to be properly served in the court of law, the right charge must be given- Manslaughter is different from homicide and murder.

3. Prioritize the Trial of Officers in the Court of Law

An event such as this that has triggered national outcry should receive immediate and urgent attention in the court of law. This will immediately send a strong message that injustice will not be tolerated not just to the black Americans but to anyone living in America.

4. Honor the Burial of George Floyd

Connect to the emotion of the protesters by attending or sending a representative from the highest office to attend the burial. This again shows your level of respect to all lives- Black lives matter as much as all lives matter.

5. Provide Support for His Kids and Wife

When unfortunate events such as this happen, there are people who will live for the rest of their lives to deal with the impact that comes with it. The deed has been done- A father, husband, son, brother, and American has been taken away unjustly. You can make life worth living by providing support to his wife and kids (I will always advocate for education).

6. Send a Strong Message to the Protest Hijackers

Just as we all know that there are good police officers that genuinely care and serve with integrity, there are also bad eggs that create chaos. We have also seen how police officers are taking the initiative to take control of the situation by connecting to the emotion of the people. However, make it clear that the nation will not be brought to it kneel by people whose interest is to take advantage of situations such as this to loot and create anarchy. To send such a strong message, you must have done or doing the above points.

We all have the responsibility to stand against injustice not just towards black Americans but to any human anywhere. One thing is certain, the people have had enough and the blacks who have to continue to be the victims of institutionalized seclusion have gained much more support than ever before from many people across the world. As we address the challenge at hand, we should brace ourselves for the culture of ‘transfer-revolution’ we have created.

*This article does not in anyway endorse violence rather this is just pointing us to the kind of society we are creating indirectly.

Do you agree?