By Michael O' Adetu
1. Zero Preparation + Zero Opportunity = Chaos/Confusion
2. Zero Preparation + Opportunity = Pressure/Dissappointment
3. Preparation + Zero Opportunity = Frustration/hopelessness
4. Preparation + Opportunity = Motivation/Hope/Recognition/confidence
The situations above are the realities of so many people out there. When you take a closer and deeper look at these situations vis a vis your own life, you will immediately find some truth popping up in your brain.
I once facilitated a 1hour career development seminar during a weekend retreat in 2015 where I used the above situations to explain how choices and life events contribute to career development.
During the short break, I joined two other participants in a brief chat as we all sip our hot coffee. One of the participants then said to me ‘Michael, what number are you in the situations you explained on the slide?’.
Immediately my life flashed before me as I answered
‘I have experienced each of the stages and I will not be surprised if I find myself going through them again’.
You might not agree with my submission but here is what I want you to know
- Life is never a smooth journey (full of ups and downs) and in fact, the inconsistency with life is what makes it interesting.
- Your goal should be that you win your own war- it is ok to win some battles and lose some
- Focus on those things that will encourage you to be hopeful. You will need hope when life hit at you
Here is the MAJOR take away for you, BE PREPARED!
It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and it does not show up than the opportunity to show up and catch you unprepared! Now is the time to acquire that skill and do all that is expected of you.
Do your part and be hopeful that one day, the opportunity you desire will show up.
Do you agree?